
The Betty Boop Movie screenplay by Jerry Rees. Revised April 16, 1993. © 1993 MGM, Inc. Transcribed into text by Boopoopadoop.[1] Note to readers, the film was never made. However the script, early animated scenes, music demos, and the concept art still exist.

A cigar is deftly unwrapped by a pair of skilled hands.

Benny Boop: "The finest cigar known to man. Rolled on the thighs of beautiful women."

The fingers flip it, balance it, make it vanish.

Benny Boop pulls the cigar from his ear and places it in his lips.

Benny Boop: "I smoke these because, frankly, it's the closest my lips will ever come to a beautiful woman."

There is a feeble cymbal crash to punctuate his patter and we cut wide to reveal that we are.

Int. Vaudeville House - Night There is a little reaction from the distracted crowd. On stage, Benny, dressed in cloud, oversized clothes, pats his pockets, looking for a match.

Benny Boop: "Yes indeed, we're rollin' now. Anybody got a light?" (no reaction)

Benny Boop: "I said, anybody got a light?"

A guy in the audience jumps up and hurls a flaming torch at him. Benny manages to grab it, but his coat catches fire. He frantically pats his coat out and stands there steaming, smoking actually... The crowd laughs.

Benny Boop: "Hey! That was dangerous!"

Guy: "Not half as dangerous as listening to your jokes, pal." The drummer punctuates the joke. The crowd claps.

Benny Boop: "Oh, sure, clap for him. Mr. quick wit Mr. sharp." The guy throws a butcher's knife at Benny. Benny arches his legs as the knife whistles alarmingly close to his masculinity. The crowd laughs.

Benny grabs the knife, maintaining his cool.

Benny Boop: "Okay. You wanna know your problem? Here's your problem. You don't know comedy. I know comedy. You're just a kid. All you know is infantile."

The guy throws a baby girl. Benny screams and goes into a wild juggling routine with the baby, the torch and the knife while the house band plays.

Benny Boop: "Holy Moly! Why don't you throw in the kitchen sink while you're at it?" Naturally, a sink bounces off of Benny's head and he adds it to the mix, juggling up and down the stage.

Benny Boop: "How ya doin' up there Baby Boop?" The adorable Baby Boop "gurgles" and "coos" while the blade and the flames flash around her. The audience "oohs" and "aahs" as he starts changing patterns, doing the waterfall, over and under, and behind the back. The audience claps after each.

He finishes with a flourish, sending everything high into the air. The sink crashes to the stage, the torch clangs into the sink. The sink crashes to the stage, the torch clangs into the sink, the knife lodges point up in the sink drain and Baby Boop falls towards the blade and the flames. Benny, who has paused to light his cigar in the fire, snatches her just in time.

The guy in the audience, who is obviously a shill announces.

Guy: "Ladies and gentlemen! Benny and Baby Boop!"

The audience cheers. Benny bows and holds his baby girl proudly.

Benny Boop: "Tell the folks your name. Say Betty Boop."

Baby Boop: "Boop... Oop... a... Doop."

She winks. The audience cheers again. Benny hugs her.

Benny Boop: "Close enough, sweetie."

The "Betty Boop" title splashes across the screen. As the main title continue dissolve to Ext. train station - day. Benny runs for the already moving train with luggage under one arm and a baby Betty under the other. He throws the luggage onto a car, and swings up next to it. He breathes a sigh of relief. Betty cries, pointing back to her bottle which has fallen onto the tracks. Benny grabs Betty and the luggage and leaps off the train. He trudges back to the bottle and gives it to Betty. She "Coos". Benny looks forlornly after the distant train.

Page is under construction. More of the story coming soon.
