
Baby Boop


Betty Boop / Baby Boop / Baby Betty Boop





Sexual Orientation:



Caucasian / African-American



Hair Color:

Black / Red-Orange

Eye Color:

Black / Blue / Green



Baby Boop (also known as Baby Betty Boop) is a younger version of Betty Boop.

Her best friends include, Baby Freddie Frog, Baby Kasper Kangaroo, Baby Victor Lion, Baby Oscar Octopus, Baby Brownie Bear and Baby Jerry Giraffe.

She can also be seen in the films The Betty Boop Limited and Stopping the Show. She is given a lot of screen time in the Betty Boop cartoon titled Is My Palm Read, Bimbo gazes into a crystal ball and to reveal Betty Boop her baby days. The animation by the Fleischer Studios includes a disrobed babbling Betty Boop bathing. She is covered in a blanket by the coat hanger as she sobs after falling out of the bathtub.

Baby Boop responds with her catchphrase, "Boop-Boop-Be-Doop".

Toy designer Mel Birnkrant created the original Baby Boop doll, he claims that King Features stole the idea from him.

According to King Features Syndicate, Betty Boop and her younger self, Baby Boop, are adding some sparkle to children’s fashion with a new line of apparel already on shelf in more than 20 markets across the U.S., the U.K., Europe, Asia and the Middle East. King Features (Betty Boop's exclusive worldwide agent) negotiated the partnership and is targeted to kids ages infant to 12, the clothing line includes t-shirts, dresses, jackets, swimwear and more.

There have been many Baby Boop dolls released by Danbury Mint by Syd Hap.

Over the years, several Baby Boop impersonation contests have been held, most notably the "Baby Betty Boop Look-A-Like Contest" during the late 1990s, and the "Baby Boop Look-alike Contest" during the 2010s.

Toot Braunstein's baby form Baby Toot is partially a spoof of Baby Boop.


  • Baby Boop: "A wee a woo a wa!" (Is My Palm Read)
  • Baby Boop: "Boop-Be-Doop-Be-Doop-Be-Doop! Boop-Boop-Be-Doop! Bop!" (Is My Palm Read)
  • Baby Boop: "Hello Mama!" (Stopping the Show)
  • Baby Boop: "Boop-Oop-Be-Doop!" (The Betty Boop Limited)

Voiced by

The Creation of Baby Boop

Baby Boop Creation 01

Baby Boop never originally existed and her baby days were made up, as she had originally debuted as an anthropomorphic French poodle in the 1930 short Dizzy Dishes.

According to Mel Birnkrant an American toy design and collector of the short lived Betty Boop comic strip, which he dubbed awful produced by King Features who had licensed Betty Boop at the time from the Fleischer Studios.

Harry Kislevitz, who was Mel's former employer blundered and made King Features millions on his Betty Boop idea. Several years later Mel was working on a Mickey Mouse Colorforms project. Mel had enthusiasm for Betty Boop and decided to introduce Harry to her with his 16mm Betty Boop animated cartoon that he had collected Betty Boop's Bizzy Bee.

Mel claimed that Harry decided Betty Boop would be his muse after Mickey Mouse. Harry then recruited a few ladies to make a doll of Betty Boop without notifying Mel. The final result has a Raggedy Ann appearance. Harry felt uncomfortable producing the doll without the required legal rights, so he decided to consult with King Features, from whom he had licensed Popeye.

Mel later found out and told Harry that the Fleischer family owned the rights not King Features and that they should have asked them first, but it was too late. When Harry contacted King Features they told him they owned the rights.

In Mel's opinion, King Features thought that the Fleischer Studios were dead. So the onetime licensee became the licensor. Harry licensed the comic strip, not the Betty Boop property. Kenny Kneitel's mother told Mel that King Features had became the administrator and that Kenny's family had got half a royalty. Colorforms could not sell the Betty Boop doll. 

Baby Boop Creation 02

While working on the doll Mel came up with a concept, the concept was Baby Boop.

Baby Boop Inspiration

Betty Boop as a baby made an appearances in a few animated shorts by the Fleischers but she was never a fully licensed product. Mel got the idea from the cartoon Making Stars and decided to represent Betty when she was a baby. His design was based on the babies that had appeared on the show. Mel projected the film on paper and traced off it. 


The concept design used was one of the male baby Quintuplets, similar to that of the Quintet Kiddies that appeared in the comic strips as based on the Dionee Quintuplets. Harry hired the women to make the baby as vinyl dolls were their forte but they didn't adapt it to baby proportions.

Mel knew the doll had a future and came up with a mechanism that would permit Baby Boop's eyes to roll. Harry then hired a product development team company to help build the prototype. The rag doll proved to be impossible to sell and the idea was scrapped. Harry had the "Betty Boop Colorforms Dress-Up Set" in the works.

Harry was urged to hire Kenny to design it. Betty Boop was past her prime at the time but was on her steps to becoming popular again with King Features on the receiving end of what would become millions.

Baby Boop Doll 1988

Harry tossed Baby Boop into King Features lap and they picked her up and ran. Mel's Baby Boop never saw the day of light but a hundred prototypes were made. After that King Features Syndicate then had to approve everything.

Baby Boop KF 90s

According to information about Baby Boop's licensing (directly from King Features) she debuted in 2006 to meet the demand of child fans of Betty Boop and now grows globally in several countries. Earlier Baby Boop dolls were released in the 1980s, one by King Features, the other by M-Toy later followed by Baby Boop releases by Betty Boop Precious Kids Dolls and Danbury Mint.

The Betty Boop Movie (1993)

Baby Boop Scrapped Betty Boop MGM

Baby Boop was originally set to appear in The Betty Boop Movie, but the project was abandoned, and later canceled.

A Day With Baby Boop

Baby Boop made her most recent appearance in a 2013 virtual story book titled A Day With Baby Boop. You can spend a unforgettable day with Baby Boop and go with her and enjoy activities such as walking in the park, getting dressed up or playing sports.

Character Design

Baby Betty Boop Design

Baby Boop Look-Alike Contest

On the 20th of July (2013) a Baby Boop look-alike contest was held, during the 22nd Betty Boop Annual Festival.  The Baby Boop Look-Alike contest was open to young girls from newborn to 5 years old. The judging categories in each age group included: Largest Eyes, Curliest Hair, Poutiest Lips, Friendliest, Singing Dancing in three categories of costume (Baby, Classic, International and Showgirl). Everyone receives a trophy.


  • Stopping the Show
  • The Betty Boop Limited
  • Is My Palm Read
  • The Betty Boop Movie (Project was abandoned.)


  • Since Betty originally appeared as an anthropomorphic French poodle in the 1930 Talkartoon Dizzy Dishes, her early years were all made up.
  • Baby Boop can be purchased as baby dolls and figures.
  • An older version of Baby Boop appears to be known as Bitsy Boop.
  • The only infants or toddlers in Betty's series before her baby form were Billy Boop, Bubby Boop, and Junior. The fact that those characters were male instead of female is the only distinction.
  • She was originally going to be a featured character in Robin Goodman's musical.[1]


See Also
